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Showing posts from June, 2020

Cockroach (Morphology, Anatomy) excretory system , circulatory system , and respiratory system

Cockroach (Morphology, Anatomy) Cockroach are brown or black body animals. Cockroach belong to phylum arthropoda. Cockroach are also bright yellow, red and green coloured are found in tropical region. Size of cockroach 1/4 inch to 3 inchs (0.6 - 7.6 )cm. Nocturnal omnivores. Live in damp palace Morphology Species of cockroach periplaneta Americana. Cockroach of body divisible into three regions head ,thorax and abdomen Entire body is covered by hard chitinous exoskeleton (brown in colour). Exoskeleton has hardened plates called Sclerites. Head is triangular in shape. Head is fusion of 6 segments and so great mobility on all direction. Antenna help in monitoring environment. Head bear mouth parts for biting and chewing. Mouth part consists of labium(lower lip),labrum(upper lip),a pair of mandibles and maxillae. Thorax consists of three parts prothorax ,mesothorax, and  metathorax. First pair of wings arise from mesothorax. Second pair ...

Fungi Reproduction (vegetative , asexual and sexual reproduction).

Fungi Reproduction (vegetative, asexual and sexual reproduction). Fungi reproduction are three types. Vegetative reproduction Asexual reproduction Sexual reproduction.                                               (1). Vegetative reproduction Fragmentation Budding Fission  Sclerotia Rhizomorphs.                                                         (2). Asexual reproduction. Zoospores Sporangiospores Chlamydospores Oidia Conidia.                                                                                   Sexual...

Kingdom Fungi of Classes

   Kingdom Fungi of Classes Phycomycetes  Ascomycetes Basidiomycetes Deuteromycetes.                                                   (1) phycomycetes Found in aquatic decaying wood in moist and damp palace. Obligate parasite Mycelium is aseptate Coenocytic. Asexual reproduction Example for mucor, rhizopus, (bread mould ) and albugo (fungi on mustard plant).                         (2).  Ascomycetes Also called sac fungi  mostly multicellular   Rarely unicellular e.g., Yeast.  saprophytic ,decomposer, parasite and coprophilos (grow on dung). Mycelium is branch and septate Mycelium called Conidiophores. Spores called ascospores. Fruiting bodies called ascocarps. Example are Aspergillus,claviceps and Neurospora. Neurospora used in biochemical and geneti...

Kingdom Fungi

Kingdom Fungi Fungi is unique kingdom Fungi have great diversity in mythology and habitat. Fungi are Cosmopolitan  which occur in air, water, soil and on animal and plant . Mostly fungi are heterotrophic and observed nutrition .( saprophytes) Unicellular fungi are Yeast. Cell wall of fungi composed of chitin and polysaccharide. Fungi in reproduction are vegetative ,asexual and sexual reproduction. Mushroom and toad stools are  also fungi and you eat. body structure are long ,slender and thread like structure called hyphae.  Network of hyphae is called is known as mycelium . Fungi are saprophyte and parasite . Fungi are associated with algae  known as lichen. Fungi are associate with roots of higher plants known as Mycorrhiza.                                Wheat rust cause Puccinia . Asexual reproduction by spores called Sporangiospores Zoospores.  Conidia Sexual reproduc...

Biotechnology and it's application in plant

Biotechnology Application in agriculture: (1) agrochemical based  agriculture. (2) organic agriculture: and (3) genetically engineered crop based agriculture. Use of genetically modified plants :- To enhance nutritional quality of food Made crop more tolerant to abiotic stress (cold, drought,salt heat). Help to reduce post harvest loss             eg. Flavr savr Tomato:transgenic variety of tomato - flavr savr due to the inhibition of polygalacturonas enzymes which degrade pectin so that tomato variety remain fresh and retain flavour much longer . Flavr savr Tomato develop why antisense Technology . Increase efficiency of mineral uses by plant. To produce bio pharmaceutical product.           Produce of Hirudin.  Hirudin is a protein that prevents blood clotting. To produce herbicides resistance plant.          Pest resistant crop:   (1) insect resistance plant example Bt cotton . some strain ...

Biotechnology and application

Biotechnology Definition of biotechnology biotechnology is the application of biological organism, system or process to manufacturing and service industries. Biotechnology is the integrated use of biochemistry, microbiology and engineering science in order to achieve technological application of the capability of microorganism culture tissue cell .. Application of biotechnology. Tissue culture Gene technology Hybridization and monoclonal antibiotics of biotechnology Biotechnology in medicine Biotechnology and protein engineering Biotechnology in agriculture Biotechnology in environment . Tissue culture   It is a artificial technique of culture tissue . Advantages of tissue culture rapid multiplication with limited space  it is not time bound and Not season bound  free from pest and disease  limitation and disadvantage laborious,costly ,special risk is required.


Biotechnology Biotechnology term given by Karl Ereky. Biotechnology  deal with technique of using live organisms or enzymes from to produce product and process useful to humans.  Iinterrogation of natural science and organism, cells,parts there of and molecular analogue for product and service. Principales of Biotechnology Two core techniques of modern biotechnology (1).   Genetic engineering (2).    Boiprocess Technology Genetic engineering :-technique to alter the chemistry of genetic material, to introduce these into host organism and those change the phenotype of the host of organisms. Boiprocess Technology :-chemical engineering process to enable growth of only the desired microbes  in a large quantity for the manufacture of biotechnological product  like antibiotics, vaccine, enzymes etc. Outcome of genetic engineering was two very significant discovery made in bacterial research. There there (1) plasmid Presence of extrachromosomal DNA fragment....

Corona Fighter ( poem)

Corona fighter जीवन मृत्यु के मध्य पड़े । तुम चट्टानों सा अडिग खड़े ।। जन-जन की सांस के हे प्रहरी । तन मन से तुम क्या खूब लड़े ।। जब तक नस नस में रक्त बहेगा । तेरा ऋणी सदा यह देश रहेगा ।। कण-कण में तेरी श्रद्धा है । अद्भुत अदम्य तू योद्धा है ।। तेरा तेज सूर्य सा सर्वव्यापी । तु महावीर तु ही बुद्धा है ।। तेरे त्याग सेवा और बलिदानों का गाथा ही संदेश रहेगा । तेरा ऋणी सदा यह देश रहेगा ।। तेरा ऋणी सदा यह देश रहेगा ।। THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING and corona fighter. Ham sab aage increase ho. Poem on coronavirus. Lock Down on poem. Current Time Stay safe stay home, poem Doctor warrior. Poem on doctor God bless 🙏 poem.

Glycolysis ( EMP pathway)

The term glycolysis has originated from the Greek word, glycos for sugar and lysis for break down or splitting . This process takes place in the cytoplasm . Glycolysis is called common pathway , Because common in aerobic and anaerobic respiration. Glycolysis is 10 step process and 1 ,3, and 10 reaction are irreversible.           Glucose breakdown 10 step Glucose are Partial breakdown to form two molecules of pyruvic acid.

ETS(electron transport system)

Electron transport system utilisation of energy store in NADH+H and FADH^2 form NADH  and FADH are oxidized through electron transport system and electron are passed on to  O2 resulting in the formation of H2O. Electron carrier   flavian FeS Quinone Cytochrome ETS is consists of four complex and Fifth Complex is ATP synthase.   complex 1st- FMN  complex 2nd - FeS complex 3rd- cytochrome b  complex 4th  complex 5th- ATP synthase                  ETS Diagram  During electron transport system of respiration UQ and FMN can release h + ion in Peri mitochondria space and H+ ion concentration across inner mitochondrial membrane. Electron back to the Matrix and through F° part of ATP ase  passage 2H+ ion  through F°  proton channel synthesis of 1 ATP            This Diagram is F°and F1

Krebs cycle

Kreb cycle also called tri cyclic acid and names give Hans krebs .  Cycle occur in mitochondria matrix of eukaryotic cells and cytoplasm of prokaryotic cell.  krebs cycle involves Four dehydrogenase , two'carboxylase and one substrate level phosphorylation . OAA is considered as the first member of the cycle and all Enzyme of Krebs cycle are located inside mitochondria Matrix except succinate dehydrogenase which is located in inner membrane of mitochondria.