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Showing posts from August, 2020

Motivational shayari|Powerful quotes|Thought|

  Shayari|Powerful quotes|Thought| “समस्याएं उतनी ताक़तवर नहीं होती जितना हम उन्हें मान लेते हैं…कभी सुना है कि अँधेरे ने सुबह नहीं होने दी।” कभी टूटते है तो कभी बिखरते हैं विपत्तियों से ही इन्सान ज्यादा निखरते हैं संघर्ष में आदमी अकेला होता है, सफलता में दुनिया उसके साथ होती है, जिस-जिस पर ये जग हँसा है, उसीने इतिहास रचा है… टूटने लगे हौसले तो ये याद रखना, बिना मेहनत के तख्तो-ताज नहीं मिलते, मत सोच इतना… जिन्दगी के बारे में, जिसने जिन्दगी दी है… उसने भी तो कुछ सोचा होगा! “एक मिनट लगता है रिश्तों का मज़ाक उड़ाने में, लेकिन हम भूल जाते है जिंदगी रिश्तों से ही सजती और सँवरती है।” “मन में जो है साफ़ साफ़ कह देना चाहिए क्योकि सच बोलने से फैसले होते है और झूट बोलने से फासले।” “जो पानी से नहाएगा वो सिर्फ लिबास बदल सकता है, लेकिन जो पसीने से नहाएगा वो इतिहास बदल सकता है।” “जिंदगी इतनी मुश्किल इसलिए है क्योंकि लोग आसानी से मिली चीज की कीमत नहीं जानते।” “सुबह की नींद इंसान के इरादों को कमजोर बनाती है, मंजिल को हासिल करने वाले कभी देर तक सोया नही करते।” धोके से कभी मत डरीये ... ये खुद को तराशने क...

BAU pdf| BAU notes|Agriculture |BSc Ag. pdf

 BAU pdf| BAU notes|Agriculture |BSc Agri pdf  BIHAR AGRICULTULE UNIVERSITY Sabour,Bhagalpur BAU course details ,  and Bau pdf. Click down for download. 1st Semester Course:- AHT-111 - fundamentals of horticulture. AME-111- fundamentals of plant biochemistry and biotechnology ASC-111-fundamental of soil science AAG-111-fundamentals of agronomy AAG-111-fundamental of agronomy AEE-111-Rural sociology and education AEE-112-comprehension and communication skills in English ABP-111-introductory biology ASM-111-elementary mathematics AAG-113-agricultural heritage AEE-113-human value and ethics 2nd semester pdf APG-121-fundamentals of genetics ASC-121-agricultural microbiology AEN-121-soil and water conservation engineering ABP-121-fundamentals of crop physiology AAE-121-principles of agricultural economics APP-121-fundamentals of plant pathology AEZ-121-fundamentals of entomology AEE-121-fundamentals of agricultural extension education AEE-122-communication skills and personali...

Listening and note taking. Communication and its type group discussion, organising seminar and conference assignment and practical, PowerPoint presentation

  Listening and note taking. Communication and its type group discussion, organising seminar and conference, assignment practical and PPT. Aim:- Listening and note taking Introduction Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process. Listening is key to all effective communication. Without the ability to listen effectively, messages are easily misunderstanding  Hearing is a spontaneous act. Listening, by contrast, is something you choose to do. Listening  requires you not only to hear what has been said but to understand as well.  Understanding requires three activities: • dynamic listening; • paying attention; • concentration; Importance Twelve Guidelines to Effective Listening: • Sit where the instructor will always see you, preferably in the front. • Pay attention to content, not the lecturer's appearance or distracting habits. Judge the  material, not the delivery. • Put aside emotional concerns. ...


  INSECT ECOLOGY  Ecology is one of the disciplines of a much broader area of action covered by environmental science . Lcology concerns the processes dealing with what limit life , how living things interact with their surroundings and how living things make use of the resources .  Ecology , the term proposed by a German biologist " Ernst Haeckel " during the year 1869. The study of the interrelationships between organisms and their environment is termed " Ecology " . According to different scientists the ecology has been defined as :  Standford ( 1907 ) ; Life needs and house keeping habits of an organism .  Clements ( 1916 ) : Science of community  Odum ( 1971 ) : Study of organisms at home ,  Peter Price ( 1975 ) : Science of relationship of organisms to their nature .  Environment and its components  Environmental science , on other hand , deals with the application of this knowledge for managing the environment . Clark etal . ( 1967 ) -...

Disease management – Principles Exclusion of the Pathogen/avoidance,/eradication/protective of pathogens

 Disease management – Principles Exclusion of the Pathogen: The aim is to prevent entry of a pathogen in a field or area (state, country) suppose  free from that pathogen. 1. Quarantine : Plant quarantine aims at preventing entry of the pathogens from infested areas  into non-infested area. 2. Inspection and Certification: The crops grown exclusively for seed are periodically inspected for presence of  diseases that are disseminated by seed. Necessary precautions are taken to remove  the diseased plants. The method is supposed to prevent regional and inter-regional  spread of the pathogen. Seed Treatment Seeds, tubers, grafts, bulbs and other propagative materials can be given heat, gas  or chemical treatments to exclude the pathogen present in or over them. Seed  treatment is mandatory for seed agencies supplying certified seed. 4. Eradication of Insect vectors: Since the flight of insects cannot be checked so the crop should be given  preve...

Agents of Soil Erosion:

  Agents of Soil Erosion:   Water erosion:  water erosion is the removal of soil from the land’s surface by running water, including runoff from melted snow and ice. Depending upon the form of the lost soil, water erosion is subdivided into Sheet, Rill and Gully erosion.   Sheet erosion:  It is the uniform removal of soil in thin layer from sloping land.  This results from sheet or overland flows, the runoff from the surface in thin layer .  The beating action of raindrops combined with surface flow causes the major portion of the sheet erosion.  From an energy stand point, raindrop erosion is far more important because raindrops have velocity of about 20 to 30 feet per second where as overland flow velocities are about 1 to 2 feet per second.  Raindrops cause the particles to be detached and transported and the increased sediment reduces the infiltration rate by scaling the soil pores.   where loose, shallow topsoil over lies a tig...

Water erosion, cause and types

 Water Erosion:  It is the removal of soil from the land surface by flowing water. Water erosion is due to the dispersive action and transporting power of water-water as it descends in the rain and leaves the land in the form of runoff.  Rainfall is the chief detaching agent in water erosion.  Water erosion is a complex three-step natural phenomenon which involves :- detachment,  transport, and  deposition of soil particles .  The process of water erosion begins with discrete raindrops impacting the soil surface and detaching soil particles followed by transport.  Detachment of soil releases fine soil particles which form surface seals. These seals plug the open-ended and water-conducting soil pores, reduce water infiltration, and cause runoff. At the microscale level, a single raindrop initiates the whole process of erosion by weakening and dislodging an aggregate which eventually leads to large-scale soil erosion under intense rainstorms. The th...


 WING , WING VENATION AND MODIFICATIONS . Among the invertebrate animals , only insects possess wings ,Wings are present in adult stage .  Number of wings varies from two pairs to none . Certain primitive insects like silver fish and spring tail have no wings. Ecto-parasites like head louse , poultry louse and flea are secondarily wingless .  Wings are deciduous in ants and termites . There is only one pair of wings in the true flies .  Normally two pairs of wings are present in insects and they are borne on pterothoracic segments viz . , mesothorax and metathorax .  Wings are moved by thoracic flight muscles attached to their bases .  Wings is flattened double layered expansion of body wall with a dorsal and ventral lamina having the same structure as the integument .  Both dorsal and ventral laminae grow ,Meet and fuse except along certain lines . It is nourished by blood circulating through veins. walls of these channels become thickened to form vei...

Role and significance of water

 Role and significance of water Water plays a crucial role in the life of the plant. Water is called  liquid of life, because life is originated and in the course of evolution.  It become fully dependent upon water in a number of ways. Water is one of the most plentiful chemical available in the earth and chemical formula is H2O. Water molecules consists of an oxygen atom and two hydrogen atom. oxygen atom is more electronegative than hydrogen tends to attract the electron of the covalent bond. this attraction result in a partial negative charge at the oxygen in the of the molecule and a partial positive charge at each hydrogen atom. Water has a special property of solvent which is transported through the body of the plant and animals. solvent properties is derived from polar structure of the water molecules. Structure of water molecules. Polarity of water molecules give an excellent solvent. Hydrogen bonding are due to cohesive and adhesive properties of water. Thermal p...