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Transport in plants

In plants substance are moved from one place to another palace is called transport.
  • In plant  mineral, nutrients ,organic nutrients and plant growth regulators are transported.

On the basis of distance traveled by substance, transport is two types

  1. Short distance  transport
  2. Long distance transport

Short distance transport

Short distance substance are moved by diffusion and cytoplasmic streaming.
Diffusion is passive process
Cytoplasmic streaming is active process.

Long distance transport

long distance transport supported by the vascular system involve in xylem and phylum is called translocation.
Substance involved in translocation is bulk flow or mass flow.
Rooted plants, xylem involved in transport of water and minerals in unidirectional from root to stem.
Organic materials and minerals nutrients are multi directional transport.

Short distance transport

Simple Diffusion

Movement of substance from higher concentration region to lower concentration region till equilibrium is called diffusion.

Feature of diffusion

Downhill process 
slow process 
concentration gradient 
non selective process.

Factor affecting rate of diffusion

  1. concentration of substance

Substance move from region of higher concentration to lower concentration.
Concentration dependentPermeability of the membrane
  • Diffusion is directly proportional to permeability.
  1. Temperature
  2. Size of particles.
  3.  pressure 
Diffusion  directly proportional to pressure

Diffusion is easy for gases and liquids and solid for hard.

Application of diffusion

  1. Cell to cell movement
  2. Intracellular space in between
  3. Gaseous movement in  container to air.

Facilitated diffusion.

Diffusion of any substance across a membrane depend on solubility in lipids.
Substance soluble  in lipids diffuse  easily through the Membrane.
Substance are  hydrophilic in nature then difficult to pass through the membrane.

Characteristic of facilitated diffusion

  • Downhill process
  • Concentration gradient
  • Dependent on membrane
  • Very specific in nature
  • Selective permeable
  • Passive process

Two types of molecules move in facilitated diffusion.


Two types of molecules transport in same direction.


Two molecules move opposite direction.


One molecules move in membrane.

Active transport

movement of substance from lower concentration to higher concentration by the protein pumps is called active transport.
Protein pumps are used in energy to carry substance across the cell membrane.

Feature of active transport

  1. Uphill process (energy expenditure ).
  2. ATP use
  3. Dependent on ATP
  4. Very specific in nature.


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