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Listening and note taking. Communication and its type group discussion, organising seminar and conference assignment and practical, PowerPoint presentation


Listening and note taking.
Communication and its type
group discussion, organising seminar and conference, assignment practical and PPT.


Listening and note taking

Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process.

Listening is key to all effective communication. Without the ability to listen effectively, messages are easily misunderstanding 

Hearing is a spontaneous act. Listening, by contrast, is something you choose to do. Listening 

requires you not only to hear what has been said but to understand as well. 

Understanding requires three activities:

dynamic listening;

paying attention;



Twelve Guidelines to Effective Listening:

Sit where the instructor will always see you, preferably in the front.

Pay attention to content, not the lecturer's appearance or distracting habits. Judge the 

material, not the delivery.

Put aside emotional concerns. If you disagree with what is being said, hold your 

judgement or fire until after class, then see the instructor.

Find areas of interest; listen for ideas, not just facts, and words; put new ideas to work 

during the lecture by using your imagination.

Intend to get down a good written record of the lecture material; be a flexible note 


Listen for new rods and watch for signals of important information; listen for 

examples the instructor provides to define or illustrate main ideas. Note these 

examples with "EX" in your notes or textbook.

Read in advance about the topics to be discussed in class and relate them to something 

you care about.

Exercise your mind with challenging material; keep your mind open even if you hear 

emotional words.

Be prepared to ask questions in class. Use facial expressions to let the instructor know 

that you don't understand an idea completely or you would like the information 


Don't stop listening or taking notes during discussion periods or toward the end of the 

lecture until the instructor concludes.

Work at listening instead of pretending to listen.

Resist external distractions such as someone coming in late to class, maintenance 

mowing the grass, other students talking etc.


Taking notes


Learning to take notes effectively will help you improve your study and work habits and to 

remember important information. Often, students are deceived into thinking that because they 

understand everything that is said in class, they will therefore remember it.

Here are some hints on note making:

Don't write down everything you read or hear. Be alert and attentive to the main 

points. Concentrate on the "meat" of the subject and forget the trimmings.

Notes should consist of key words or very short sentences. As a speaker gets side-

tracked, it is often possible to go back and add further information.

Take accurate notes. You should use your own words, but try not to change the 

meaning. If you quote directly from the author, quote correctly.

Think a minute about the material before you start making notes. Don't take notes just 

to be taking notes! Take notes that will be of real value to you when you review them 

at a later date.

Have a uniform system for punctuation and abbreviation that will make sense to you. 

Use a skeleton outline that shows importance by indenting. Leave lots of white space for later additions.

Shortly after taking your lecture notes or making textbook notes, go back and edit (not copy) your notes by adding extra points, spelling out unclear items, etc. Remember, 

we forget rapidly. Budget time for this vital step just as you do for the class itself.




The word ‘communication’ comes from the Latin word communis, its meaning is common. 

It means that when we communicate, we are trying to establish ‘commonality’ with someone 

through a message. ‘Communication’ then is a conscious attempt to establish commonality 

over some idea, fact, feelings and the like, with others. Consequently it is a process of getting 

a source and a receiver tuned together for a particular message or a series of messages.

Communication are two types.


Verbal Communication

All forms of communication can be categorized as either verbal or nonverbal. In turn, both 

verbal and nonverbal communication can be subdivided into either vocal or non-vocal.

Much of the communication that takes place between people is verbal; that is, it is based on


Verbal communication of the vocal category includes spoken language.

Non-vocal verbal communication involves written communication as well as 

communication that is transmitted through sign language, finger spelling, Braille, or 

other similar alternatives to verbal language.

 Communication has been called the transfer of meaning from one mind to another. Because 

meanings exist in the human mind, they cannot be shared or communicated except through 

some external vehicle. The human body is capable of making sounds and movements which 

in turn can create a system of vehicles for sharing inner meanings and ideas with others. In 

general terms, such elements that codify meaning are called signs. The study of such signs is 

called semiotics.


 Semiotics (sometimes called semiosis or semiology):

Theory or study of signs, specifically the theoretical relationship between language 

and signs or symbols used in the transmission of language.

About Group Discussion

Group Discussion is a process where exchange of ideas and opinions are debated upon.


 Group Discussion


The following list of points should be kept in mind while in a group discussion

1) Adequate matter/ Subject matter is essential: You should have subject knowledge and 

be well aware of the latest happenings around you, not just in India but around the world as 

well. If 

you can memorize some relevant data, it will be an added advantage.

2) Make sure you Read Widely: Being an avid reader will help you in group discussions. 

3) Choose Magazines that are Rich in Content: Always opt for magazines that are content 

rich and not just full of advertisements. 

4) Be Aware of topics that are repeated: Often, there are topics which re-appear with 

minute changes and minor variations. Be aware of such topics well in advance so that you 

have ample time to prepare for the same.

5) Work on your Communication Skills: You should be well versed in your 

communication skills. You should have a good vocabulary and a decent command over 

6) Listen to the topic given during GD carefully: Listen to the topic carefully and 

understand it. Be alert and vigilant. Sometimes, the topic may be really simple but the manner 

can, back it up by relevant data.

7) Try and Maintain a Balance in your Tone: Besides what you are saying, remember that 

the panelists are observing your body language as well.

9) Body Gestures are very important: 


Personality development tips


1.Know you are incomparable

You bring your self-esteem down by comparing yourself with others. That shrivels your personality and does not let your strengths blossom . Know that you and the other person are unique and are just incomparable.

2.Be kind to yourself

We are taught to be kind to others. Yet, many of us fail to be kind to ourselves. 

3.Give space to imperfection

People and situations always do not fit in your frame of perfection. Often, that makes one agitated and angry, eventually diminishing the strength of their personality. So, find your peace amidst the world’s flaws even as you strive to make a change.

4.Be spontaneous

5.Be light in mind and heart

Don’t overthink and overanalyze. Neither let any negativity like shame, anger, jealousy or greed stay in your consciousness for too long. Instead, learn to take it easy; forgive easily and drop grudges against people as soon as they pop up. 

6.Stay enthusiastic

Enthusiasm is infectious and appealing. That is why everyone loves kids. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says, that despite adverse situations in life, one must never give up their enthusiasm. 

7.Be a better communicator

A couplet in Kannada says that words can create laughter and can also create enmity. A skillful communicator can win over people and adverse situations. So, bring clarity in your communication.

8.Be warm and approachable

We all like people with whom we can easily mingle and talk to. 

9.Do things with style

Doing things with style adds zing to your personality. The secret to doing things with style lies in working with passion and a relaxed mind. 

10.Learn to let go

After you’re done with a task, let go of your attachment with the result. When you let go, you become free, calm and relaxed - attributes of a strong personality.

11.Be a lion in the face of danger

Don’t give into pressure and face every challenge confidently. Either you will overcome the adversity or learn something invaluable.




Organising a seminar or conference can be an important way of raising the profile of your 

work or engaging with key stakeholders. It can be an opportunity to share and exchange with 

other experts in your field. An event is a good opportunity to present the results of your work 

or to attract media attention to your project.


It is very important to pick a clear topic for your event and to know what you want it to 

achieve. Organising an event is a lot of work – like your normal activities, it has to be for a 

reason, or else it will be a waste of resources. 


Once you know what you want to achieve, think about who you want to invite to participate –

this may include leading professionals in your field of work, politicians, the media, interest 

groups and officials. 

Tip 1: Plan Early

A large event or conference will need around 4 months planning time. 

Tip 2: Get your timings right

When to host an event can be crucial. Do your best to ensure your event does not clash with 

another major event (or bank holiday!) which would mean large numbers of significant 

people not being able to attend.

Tip 3: Focus on your key objectives

Whether you have decided to aim for a debate with key stakeholders or an event designed to

grab political or media attention around your project, don’t take your eyes off your 


Tip 4: Choose appropriate speakers

It is important that anybody who is speaking is comfortable standing up and presenting to

people, knows what is expected of them and how long they have to speak. 

Tip 5: Get your invitations right!


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